
Pitkäaikainen GameTrailers-pelisivusto lopettaa toiminnan

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Pelialaa järisytti viime yönä tieto, että 13 vuotta alalla toiminut Gametrailers -pelivideosivusto lopetetaan tästä päivästä alkaen. GT kertoi asiasta Facebookissa ja samalla kiitti faneja pitkällisestä tuesta. Sivuston jäähyväisviestin voi lukea täältä tai kuvan alta.

Viimeisenä virallisena tekonaan GT:n toimitus korjasi Bloodbornen arvosanan nostamalla sen 10/10-pistemäärään videoarvostelussaan.

Pitkäaikainen GameTrailers-pelisivusto lopettaa toiminnan

"When GameTrailers was founded in 2002, internet video was a revolutionary concept. YouTube wouldn't be founded for another three years; consumer live streaming was nine years away. Back then, online game journalism was still dominated by text articles and static imagery. The most prestigious coverage still happened in print. If you wanted to watch a show about video games, you had to watch it on a special TV station that had 10 shows.
GameTrailers helped change all that. Today, game journalism is dominated by video: trailers, live gameplay, Let's Plays, and news shows. Now there are millions of hours of content available at any time on your PC, your game console, your TV, and your phone.
We're proud we helped bring this world into being. That is the legacy of GameTrailers. We're grateful to all of our fans who helped make us successful. Thank you for your continued support over the years. It has been an adventure."

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