
Destinyn huhtikuun sisältöpäivityksestä paljastettiin uusia tietoja

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* Pakollinen tieto

Bungie paljasti jo viime viikolla, että Destiny saa huhtikuun 12. uuden sisältöpäivityksen, joka tavoitteena on puhaltaa uutta tuulta MMO-räiskinnän purjeisiin. Eilen studio kertoi Twitch-lähetyksessä päivityksen sisällöstä useita mielenkiintoisia tiedonjyviä.

Ensimmäiseksi ja tärkemmäksi huhtikuun sisältöpäivitys on ilmainen kaikille pelin omistaville. Se tarjoaa uuden tarinallisen tehtäväketjun lisäksi uusia haasteita Prison of Elders -areenalle sekä uuden 335 Light-tasokaton (aikaisemmin 320). Katso Bungien striimi kokonaisuudessaan täältä. tai tsekkaa sisältö alta englanniksi.


• The Light level cap will be increased from 320 to 335.

• Oryx's death created a power vacuum amongst the Taken, and a new leader is rising. Variks wants you to investigate this in a new quest line.

• Variks has also decided to include Taken in a new Prison of Elders challenge. This of course raises the difficulty, and the challenge will therefore be marked as a level 41 challenge with a recommended Light of 260. To give you even more incentive he offers Prison of Elders bounties that give you House of Judgment reputation, and your enemies will now drop engrams.

• As if that wasn't enough we're getting a new Prison of Elders mode called Challenge of the Elders. The recommended level for it is 42 and a Light level of 320. Each week will give you new challenges that you'll have to complete in the mode, and Bungie promises that no week will be the same. Quite impressive considering they'll support it for four months (a coincidence that it stops just before September? We don't think so.) The goal of the mode is to reach a score of 30,000 by making kills, assists and precision kills. By reaching this you'll get a high-level weapon, while reaching a cumulative score of 90,000 will reward you with a high-level armour. Don't take too long though, as Variks will get impatient if you keep farming points without killing the boss. He'll then start lowering your score. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes the community to figure out the perfect time/points ratio. The game tracks this on a scorecard called Elders' Sigil, that you'll need to purchase every week from Variks.

• The new strike, Blighted Chalice, will introduce us to a powerful Taken prince called Malok.

• Winter's Run has been upgraded to endgame levels and is now filled with Taken. Even the Archon Priest has become Taken.

• King's Fall and the Court of Oryx have also been upgraded. Higher difficulty and rewards awaits those who dare face the new challenges. In the normal raid rewards will drop at 320, while they'll drop at 330 on hard. The artefacts in the Court of Oryx will now drop at 335.

• We'll get an Eververse Trading Company outpost in the Reef

• Petra will be bringing a new quest line exclusively to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.


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