Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization päivättiin

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Aquria-pelistudion Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization on saanut julkaisupäivän. Alun perin peli oli määritetty julkaisuun 2016 viimeisellä neljänneksellä, mutta nyt tiedossa on tarkka päivä PS4:llä sekä PS Vitalla. Julkaisija Bandai Namco kunnianhimoinen roolipeli ilmestyy 8. päivä marraskuuta.

Julkistuksen ohessa Sword Art Online: Hollow Realizationin keräilyversio ja hahmojen kykypuut esiteltiin. Tsekkaa nämä alta sekä Gamereactorin videohaastattelu pelin nokkamiehen Yosuke Futami kanssa.

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization

• 3 exclusive costumes: a nightwear costume for female characters, as well as two costumes from God Eater, Soma's costume for male characters and Livie's costume for female characters.

• An exclusive lithography signed by the creator of Sword Art Online himself: Reki Kawahara.

Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization
"During their trip in the virtual world of Sword Art Origin, players will be able to improve their fight skills thanks to the Skill Tree System. Numerous skills' families will be available such as the Sword Skill or the Battle Skill. In each skills' families, players will be able to learn different abilities to improve their way of fighting. Extra Skills, related to players ways of fighting (attack, heal, tank, etc.), will also be available and will permit players to be even more powerful. Players have to choose wisely because each skill can affect each battle!"</i>
Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Sword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow RealizationSword Art Online: Hollow Realization

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