Sometimes Always Monsters

Always Sometimes Monsters saa jatko-osan

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* Pakollinen tieto

Indie-kehittäjä Vagabond Dog on paljastanut työstävänsä jatko-osaa Always Sometimes Monsters -pelille. Hieman sekavasti nimetty jatko-osa on nimeltään Sometimes Always Monsters. Pelin löytää jo Steamin kautta.


Jatko-osa tipahtaa eetteriin jossain vaiheessa ennen vuoden loppua. Alta näet sen ensimmäiset ruutukaappaukset sekä englanninkielisen kuvauksen.

Sometimes Always MonstersSometimes Always MonstersSometimes Always Monsters
Sometimes Always Monsters
Sometimes Always MonstersSometimes Always Monsters
Sometimes Always MonstersSometimes Always MonstersSometimes Always MonstersSometimes Always Monsters

"Always Sometimes Monsters was the story of a struggling author trying to achieve something by winning back the love of their life. It was a tale about the trials we go through in the efforts to define ourselves.

Sometimes Always Monsters is the other side of the same journey. Beginning the game both married and successful, this story will take you on the carefree downhill slide that comes after every great climb.

In as many was as possible, the games are designed to be reflections of one another. There are many parallels between the two, but they are opposites more often than not. Everything about the game's setup and tone has been turned on its head to provide a familiar experience with a very different range of emotions."

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Always Sometimes Monsters saa jatko-osan

Always Sometimes Monsters saa jatko-osan

UUTINEN. Kirjoittaja Leevi Rantala

Indie-kehittäjä Vagabond Dog on paljastanut työstävänsä jatko-osaa Always Sometimes Monsters -pelille. Hieman sekavasti nimetty jatko-osa on nimeltään Sometimes Always...

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