Microsoft ilmoitti eilen sulkevansa neljä Bethesdan studiota, joista isoimmat ovat Arkane Austin ja Tango Gameworks. Lunta on toki tullut tupaan päätöksestä, ja isoimmat likasangot niskaansa on ottanut Microsoft Gamingin iso pomo Phil Spencer. Entinen Xboxin veteraani ja entinen Blizzardin pomo Mike Ybarra on sitä mieltä, että likasangon kaataminen Spencerin niskaan on väärin. Ybarra kommentoi asiaa Twitterissä eli X-palvelussa.
"I see a lot of shots at Phil over today's Xbox announcements. I get it. But knowing him as a human, I know this hurts him as much as anyone else. I can't speak for all of the leadership there, but I do know him and I do know what he is likely going through.
I'm not trying to defend the decisions. I think we all get ourselves into situations that are tough and unexpected (certainly I have). It's part of the job, as is the accountability for the outcomes. But he's a good human and he cares deeply for the creative process and developers. That's my first hand experience in working closely with him for 8+ years and knowing him for 24+."
Ybarra ei halua pysyä hiljaa, kun kaveria höykytetään. Eikä hän siis nyt pysynytkään.
"He's accountable for where Xbox is yes, but I won't stand silent when people personally attack friends of mine. I don't care who comes at me."