Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel eli Brie Larson valmentaa muita Hollywoodin näyttelijöitä supersankarointiin

Se on niin erityistä ja kummallista.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Marvelin ja DC Comicsin supersankaroinnit eivät enää ole ihan entisessä iskussa, mutta silti supersankarointeja pukataan jatkossakin. Roolissa suorittaminen ei kuitenkaan ole aina helppoa, joten ohjaus on tervetullutta. Brie Larson eli Marvelin Captain Marvel onkin nyt omaksunut valmentajan roolin.

The Hollywood Reporter kertoi keskustelusta, jossa Larsonin ohella olivat mukana Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Watts, Jodie Foster, Sofia Vergara ja Anna Sawai.

"I'm the first person to email everybody because it's very specific and very strange. People are like, "I don't know how to do this." Yeah, no one does. Why would you? I'll say, 'Train, because you'll want to be as prepared in your body as you possibly can because it only gets harder as the job goes on. And really understand how to be able to go to the bathroom in your suit.' The first Captain Marvel, it was a 45-minute thing to get me in and out of that costume."

"It's a whole thing, and it's a lot of pressure. And I think it's a strange thing, especially when you're a newcomer and you're tasked with being the most powerful blah, blah, blah of blah, blah, blah, and you feel scared. It's so hard to be the cool, confident one when you're like, 'Do I know what I'm supposed to be doing?'"

Captain Marvel

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Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

ELOKUVA-ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Mika Sorvari

Marvelin synteesi kosmisesta ja maanpäällisestä toiminnasta viihdyttää.

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