Centclip: Booooo Lauritzen94: Sup guysngirls! sejefyr: hey lau Centclip: Yo Lauritzen94: Do any of you know this game? sejefyr: no Lauritzen94: Me neither Solfinn: Live in a moment :) adrian-eylers: hello :D Solfinn: Hey :) Lauritzen94: Hey Xalie: hi Lauritzen94: Hey Xalie: Centclip are you mad at me or? just asking :) over: who iz ze germanz ? Lauritzen94: game developers over: K, i kinda guessed, but i couldn't pass up the opportunity to say Ze Germanz MSS: helloe over: hello Lauritzen94: So dori you got to play more Evolve yesterday, or was nobody playing? Kenneth Gant: 1 over: 2 Lauritzen94: 3 over: 4 Lauritzen94: 5 over: 6 Lauritzen94: . Lauritzen94: . Lauritzen94: . Lauritzen94: . Lauritzen94: 7 over: 8 Lauritzen94: 9 over: 10! Lauritzen94: BUM!! over: no Claus: test John_Daedalic: Hi! Solfinn: Hello :) John_Daedalic: John here (obviosly), Producer on Blackguards 2 John_Daedalic: If you have any questions regarding the game just shoot ;-) Solfinn: We're having problems with the stream. You can watch it on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B8VePXGLXM Solfinn: Refresh the site and it should be working again John_Daedalic: If he manages to keep the spider alive he'll have it later in his camp and it will grow over time ;-) John_Daedalic: And you don't have to destroy all the crates. There's only loot in the chests! John_Daedalic: Awwwww :D