Cowboy Bebop (Netflix)

Cowboy Bebopin luoja ei voi sietää Netflixin versiota

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Netflixiin saatiin aikoinaan ihmisten näyttelemä sarja Cowboy Bebop, joka kuopattiin pois kuljeksimasta heti ensimmäisen kauden jälkeen. Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä.

Nyt sitten alkuperäisen Cowboy Bebopin luoja Shinichirō Watanabe kertoi Forbesille lopettaneensa Netflixin version katselemisen vain muutaman minuutin jälkeen. Se oli niin huono.

"For the new Netflix live-action adaptation, they sent me a video to review and check. It started with a scene in a casino, which made it very tough for me to continue. I stopped there and so only saw that opening scene.

It was clearly not Cowboy Bebop. I realized at that point that if I wasn't involved, it would not be Cowboy Bebop. I felt that maybe I should have done this. Although the value of the original anime is somehow far higher now."

Cowboy Bebop (Netflix)

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