The Acolyte

Dave Filonin mukaan tulevaisuudessa on tehtävä hyvää Star Warsia

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Dave Filonista tuli aikanaan "Chief Creative Officer" Lucasfilmille, ja tämä oli toki hyvä merkki Star Warsin tulevaisuudelle. Se uusi Star Wars -sarja The Acolyte ei kuitenkaan ole kaikkea katsovaa kansaa miellyttänyt, ja Filoni kommentoi tulevaisuutta podcastissa Happy, Sad, Confused.

Mitä tahansa Star Warsia seuraavaksi tehdäänkään, on sen oltava hyvää. Esimerkiksi hyvästä Filoni nostaa Andor-sarjan.

"The bottom line is: whatever we do, it has to be really well done. When you look at something that is taken as different, like Andor - it's so well done, and Tony and his team do such a phenomenal job, that I think that there's an audience for that. I think also with that audience, I also, though, want to still be hitting the imagination of the kids out there so that they can grow up and appreciate those things. It's almost like your taste for food, your taste in cinema and visuals changes as you get older."

The Acolyte

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