Black Adam

Dwayne Johnson syyttää Black Adamin epäonnistumisesta DC Comicsin uutta johtoa

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Dwayne Johnsonin tähdittämä DC Comicsin elokuva Black Adam sai osakseen paljon mainontaa, mutta kaupallinen menestys se ei sitten kuitenkaan ollut. Pian ensi-illan jälkeen DC Comicsin elokuvien johto myllättiin uusiksi, ja tämän Johnson katsoo olevan syynä Black Adamin epäonnistumiseen.

"I think that Black Adam got caught in a vortex of new leadership. And at that time, as we were creating Black Adam, developing it, shooting Black Adam, we got knocked down a little bit because of Covid and the shutdowns, got back up. There were so many changes in leadership. ---

--- So I think Black Adam was one of those movies that got caught in that web of new leadership. But hey, at the end of the day, you know what it is? It's like new ownership coming in, buying an NFL team and going, "All right, not my head coach, not my quarterback. Doesn't matter how many times you won a Super Bowl, doesn't matter how many rings we got, I'm going with somebody else."

Black Adam

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