Sonylla on työn alla useita elokuva- ja TV-projekteja omista peleistään. Yksi tällainen on Ghost of Tsushima, jota puuhaa John Wickin ohjaaja Chad Stahelski. Discussing Filmsin mukaan Ghost of Tsushima tulee olemaan ulkoisesti erittäin näyttävä. Siis tosi näyttävä.
No... se nähdään sitten aikanaan.
"Ghost of Tsushima is a really interesting story if you really dive into the tale of Jin Sakai and what the movie is really about. And you tie him to these amazing visuals. You can already tell from the John Wick films that I love color and I love composition. To really try and not only live up to but exceed what the game has done with its visuals is completely fascinating to me. So that's something we're currently researching and working on. Like, how can you push the color palette? How can you bring that world to life in a very realistic and grounded way?"