Dota 2

SoNNeikO vilttiketjuun NaVin Dota 2 -joukkueesta

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* Pakollinen tieto

E-urheilujoukkue Natus Vincere on ilmoittanut laittaneensa Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Butaevin vilttiketjuun Dota 2 -joukkueesta. Samalla Bakyt 'W_Zayac' Emilzhanov siirtyy kapteeniksi, ja joukkue on aloittanut korvaajan etsimisen.

Toimitusjohtaja Yevhen Zolotarov kommentoi asiaa seuraavasti.

"Right after TI has concluded, the problems in interactions between the captain and some players became clear. We have discussed it and made a joint decision to keep the backbone of the team and work on those problems. It seemed that after Pasha's arrival everything has settled, and pre-qualifier bootcamp was going rather productively."

"Nonetheless, the first difficulties in the official matches sparked the same personal conflicts that we were going to leave in the past, and everything came crashing down like a house of cards. As a result, we didn't qualify for the Minor, let alone the Major."

Dota 2
Photo: Natus Vincere

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