Cheers eli suomeksi Terveydeksi on sarja, jota saatiin yhdentoista kauden verran silloin joskus. Sarjassa seurattiin elämää Bostonin baarissa nimeltä Cheers. Tästä sukeutui myös sivuaskelsarja Frasier, jossa psykiatri Frasier Crane muutti Seattleen.
Frasier teki paluun uuden sarjan voimin Paramount+ -palveluun, jossa onkin muutettu takaisin Bostoniin. Onko siis aika vierailla Cheers-baarissa? Deadlinelle Frasierin näyttelijä Kelsey Grammer sanoi, että moista vierailua tuskin tapahtuu. Sen sijaan Terveydeksi-sarjan henkilöhahmoja noin muuten saatetaan nähdä.
"I'm not sure the guys who wrote Cheers would want us to go back to Cheers. It's like, let's let that be where it is. It's a monument in the minds of television history. But is it possible we might see someone from the old days at the bar? Maybe. I was just spitballing a little while ago about how it might be kind of fun to do a Christmas show next year, the Christmas of Cheers Past. Frasier could revisit scenes that he lived out before like when he had made a mistake. What could he do to fix it? [Laughs] I don't know, it just seems like a good idea and it would be really funny. And [the original cast] wouldn't even have to appear; it would just be old clips. But we'll see. You know, I love Ted [Danson] and working with him, so I'd love to do something with him. We just haven't broken that idea yet."