Gears Tactics

Gears Tactics päivittyi isosti sekä PC:llä että Xboxilla

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Gears Tactics saatiin PC:lle huhtikuun lopulla, ja 10. marraskuuta myös Xboxille. Gamereactorin arvion pääsee lukemaan täällä. Nyt on saatu linjoille iso päivitys, joka korjailee pääasiassa Xboxin versiota, mutta myös PC-versiota.

Asiasta kerrottiin Twitterissä, ja päivitys on varsin mittava. Katso se alta englanniksi täällä Gamereactorissa.

All Platforms - General
• Improved narration in the equipment screens.
• Improved narration of the hit chance UI element.
• Fixed white flash that could occur for one frame in the loading screen.
• Fixed the character animation snapping when backing out of name customization in the Barracks.
• Fixed goggles not disappearing from the Deviant Sniper when it is killed by a headshot.
• Fixed flickering between the occlusion shader and some buildings in Act 2 and Act 3.
• Optimized content in Act 2 to improve performance.

All Platforms - Gameplay
• Controller Only: Fixed a timing issue where sticky cursor abilities (e.g. execute) could be confirmed before the preview was shown.
• Controller Only: Added camera limit to Jacks free aim abilities so the camera won't push past the limit of the ability.
• Improved targeting of free aim abilities, like Overwatch or Jacks capsules.
• The ability can now be confirmed while hovering over another unit instead of that unit being selected.
• Fixed the turn getting stuck when a player unit attempts to chainsaw an enemy unit that has an opportunity attack
• and the opportunity attack is triggered while the player unit is mantling over cover.
• Fixed enemies spawning in the ground if player units are too close in some missions.
• Fixed a case where a unit revived in a corner could get stuck.
• Fixed elite enemy reveals being in the wrong location when loading a save game.
• Fixed hit chance UI element background sometimes not appearing.
• Fixed sounds cutting out during later stages of the Brumak fight.
• Fixed Tickers appearing on the ground for one frame while dropping from the Reaver.
• Fixed Jack facing in the wrong direction after opening doors.

• Improved boot times.
• Added a new advanced video setting "Fast Pipeline State Cache". This setting decreases boot times but increases system memory usage by up to 600MB.
• Optimized planar reflections, the GPU cost of the feature has been greatly reduced.
• Added a user facing message when file read errors happen so the user can be alerted to potential file corruption errors.
• Fixed misaligned text on buttons in some resolutions.

Xbox Consoles
• All: Fixed lighting being too dark in night environments.
• All: Fixed Gabe missing his undershirt during the intro cinematic if the game is still installing Act 2 content when the cinematic loads.
• Xbox One X|S: Fixed a visible hitch when units drop from a Reaver for the first time.
• Xbox Series X: Enabled enhanced reflections. See below for comparison images

• Fixed a crash on Xbox One X when browsing characters in the convoy later in the campaign.
• Fixed a crash that could happen when using bayonet charge.
• Fixed a rare crash while using the torque bow.
• Fixed a rare crash in gameplay while planning the enemy turn.
• Fixed a rare rendering crash.
• Fixed a few rare crashes in loading screens.
• Fixed a rare crash during streaming install when the game is suspended.
• Fixed a rare crash that could happen after the game is saved.
• Fixed a rare crash on boot while registering users and controllers.
• Fixed a crash when a mine explodes on an e-hole and the unit that placed the mine is dead.

Gears Tactics

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Gears TacticsScore

Gears Tactics

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GR:n joulukalenteri, 6. luukku

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GR Livessä tänään Gears Tactics

UUTINEN. Kirjoittaja Markus Hirsilä

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