
Gris-tekijä tahtoo tarinoiden kasvattavan henkisesti: "Haluamme koskettaa pelaajia"

Luova ohjaaja Conrad Roset kertoi Gamelabissa indiehitin tarkoitusperistä.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Nomada Studio loi viime vuonna todelliseksi indiehelmeksi nousseen Grisin. Nappasimme studion luovana ohjaajana työskentelevän Conrad Rosetin haastatteluun Gamelab 2019 -tapahtumassa.

"We wanted to tell an emotional story, we wanted to concentrate on feelings, we touch emotionally the player. So that's why we didn't want to tell too many elements about the story. We wanted it to have an open ending, and it's really a story about personal evolution."

"I would say that 70% of the people involved in Gris are not from the typical video game industry itself. There's people from the art world, from the animation sector as well, cinema, advertisements - it was not just purely video game people. So that has helped us create a different product, and also for different people; it's not aimed at the typical people who play video games. It's opening the market, it's a wider audience."

Katso alla olevalta videolta koko haastattelu, jossa Roset käy läpi muun muassa värimaailman sekä Shadow of the Colossusin ja The Last Guardianin kaltaisten teosten merkitystä.


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