Hasbro tunnetaan lähinnä fyysisten muovisten lelujen valmistajana, mutta jatkossa firma panostaa enemmän videopelaamiseen. Baldur's Gate III on tietenkin syynä tähän tulevaisuuden lisäpanostukseen.
Games Industryn mukaan Hasbro on sijoittanut miljardi dollaria neljään omaan sisäiseen AAA-studioonsa. Tieteisroolipeli Exodus (Archetype Entertainment), GI Joen Snake Eyes -peli (Atomic Arcade), Dungeons & Dragons -peli (Invoke Studios) ja sitten tulossa on vielä Skeleton Keyn kauhupeli.
Hasbron Wizards of the Coastin digitaalisen tuotekehityksen pomo Dan Ayoub oli toki innoissaan asiasta.
"The biggest thing to takeaway, which is honestly a little surprise to a lot of people, is that Hasbro is in fact making video games. And we have a considerable investment in our studio structure; we've got over $1 billion in games right now being developed."
"It's always been about play, it's always been about entertaining people. And gaming is the predominant form of entertainment for a lot of people, and it's something that just continues to grow. So in a lot of ways, it makes sense for Hasbro to be in this space."
"The appetite is there if we're authentic, and we're focused on quality. And that is absolutely the priority, and in many ways, the reason for the genesis behind these internal studios."