Elden Ringin odotettu mittava laajennus Shadow of the Erdtree on tulossa 21. kesäkuuta 2024. Hidetaka Miyazaki on kertonut enemmänkin Eurogamerille. Luvassa on From Softwaren mittavin laajennus koskaan.
"[This is] our largest expansion to date in terms of overall volume."
"In terms of pure surface area, you could think of something larger even than Limgrave in the base game. This time, we wanted to go more in depth and bring a denser and richer level design, which brings these types of layout together a little more seamlessly. There of course will be large open areas, there of course will be legacy dungeons, but we've also experimented with something a little more in-between these as well to bring a more diverse gameplay experience."
Pelialueella on 10 uutta pomotaistoa, uusia aseita ja tietysti uusia taitoja. Kahdeksan uutta aseluokkaa on mukana, joten sitä omaa hahmoaan pääsee kyllä muokkaamaan uuteen uskoon.
Tarinaa on runsaasti, ja sen on pohdiskellut suurimmaksi osaksi George R.R. Martin.
"As for George Martin's involvement, essentially it is the same as it was with the base game. The DLC Shadow of the Erdtree is based on one part of that original mythos that he penned for us. It's not a brand new mythos that he's written specifically for Shadow of the Erdtree, he has not created something new which informed the design of the DLC. It's simply another part of the original story that we thought fit to tell as a new expansion."