Elden Ring

Hidetaka Miyazaki pitää mahdollisena, ettei hän ohjaa niitä tulevia Soulsborne-pelejä

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* Pakollinen tieto

Hidetaka Miyazaki on kerännyt mainetta Dark Soulsin, Bloodbornen, Sekiron ja Elden Ringin isänä. Nyt saattaa olla, että tulevaisuudessa pelejä tehtailee joku muu. IGN:lle puhunut Miyazaki sanoi, että isolla todennäköisyydellä jatkossa ohjaajana on joku muu.

"--- high possibility that we would delegate the director's responsibility to those other Souls-ish games going forward."

"I think it's very likely that we'll see new directors going forward. And I think if we do that, I'd like to step away from that supervisory role and give them full direction and full control over those projects. I think really this is the best way and the easiest way for them to flourish within that environment and with those new projects."

Toistaiseksi Dark Souls II on ollut se ainoa, jota Miyazaki ei itse ohjannut. Itse hän kuitenkin pitää peliä tärkeänä.

"In regards to Dark Souls II, I actually think this was a really great project for us. I think without it, we wouldn't have had a lot of the connections and a lot of the ideas that went forward and carried the rest of the series."

Elden Ring

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