Hi-Rez Studios muistetaan muun muassa peleistä SMITE, Realm Royale ja Paladins. Studio on nyt ilmoittanut perustavansa kolme uutta studiota: Titan Forge Games, Evil Mojo Games ja Heroic Leap Game. Studiot ottavat hoitaakseen pelit SMITE, Paladins ja Realm Royale.
Aiemmin he lanseerasivat tuotantoyhtiön Skillshot Media, joka keskittyy myös e-urheiluturnauksien järjestämiseen. Hi-Rezillä on myös videoihin ja animaatioihin keskittyvä Alacrity Arthouse.
First Party Studiosin General Manager Chris Larson kommentoi asiaa Esports Insiderille seuraavasti:
"The establishment of Titan Forge, Heroic Leap and Evil Mojo as standalone studios enables each of our development teams to fulfill their maximum potential and stay hyper focused on serving their individual player communities. We view game operation as a marathon, not a sprint. Our games are built to provide near constant updates over many years. By giving each major game its own dedicated studio and identity, we empower them to control their own destiny and focus exclusively on their player communities, while still having access to our leading shared publishing services."