Ascendant Studiosin Immortals of Aveum julkaistiin 22. elokuuta 2023 isolla tohinalla. Nopeasti kävi kuitenkin ilmi, ettei menestystä ollutkaan tulossa toivotulla tavalla. Tämän seurauksena Ascendant Studios joutui irtisanomaan työvoimaansa merkittävästi. Nyt kuitenkin näyttää siltä, että erilaisten tarjouksien seurauksena Immortals of Aveumin myynnit ovat piristyneet.
Games Industrylle puhuneen ohjaajan Bret Robbinsin mukaan myynnit ovat piristyneet, joten Immortals of Aveumin tarina ei ole vielä päätöksessään.
"It was either: 'It looks cool, I'll play it when it's on sale' or 'It looks cool, I'll play it when I have time.' And we've found that to be true. When we did go on sale in November, and when the huge breakout games started to quiet down a bit, suddenly we had five times the sales that we had earlier. And that's a testament to the fact that people were now discovering it and had the time to play it. We are still here, we are still supporting it, the sales are picking up and I hope more and more people play and enjoy it. The story of Immortals of Aveum isn't written yet. I was the creative director on Dead Space, and people were discovering that for years and years. I think Immortals will be the same."