Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II

Imperial Guard auttaa pelaajaa tuntemaan itsensä isoksi pelissä Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II

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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II on tulossa 9. syyskuuta 2024. Tuhansittain tyranideja voi hyökkiä kimppuun tuosta noin vain, joten liittolaisia on hyvä olla mukana.

Muiden Space Marine -heppujen ohella Imperial Guard -joukkoa on niin ikään paikalla. Gamereactor pääsi puhumaan pelin luovan ohjaajan Oliver Hollis-Leickin kanssa, jonka mukaan Imperial Guard tuo peliin mukaan sitä mittakaavan tuntua.

"One of the great reasons to include Imperial Guard is because they give context to the size and scale of a Space Marine. So, when you're walking past Cadians and they're dropping to one knee and saluting, you appreciate, wow, I'm actually massive."

"Another reason to do it is because the Imperium wage war with multiple different military groups, and we wanted to portray an epic 40K war, not just Space Marines on a mission. So, the more we could include, in terms of Acadians, there's Adeptus Mechanicus, they have their own different vehicles. The more we could do that, the better. And it is, I like the phrase, it's like a complete war, like a planetary total conflict."


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