Tekken 8

Katsuhiro Harada paljastaa, miten Tekken 8 aikoo houkutella niin uudet kuin vanhatkin fanit takaisin astialle

Bandai Namco on tunnistanut ongelman, ja paneutuu siihen.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Tekken on itsensä mukaan se pisin käynnissä oleva tarina videopelien historiassa, ja mittaa onkin kertynyt jo melkein 30 vuotta. Tämä vaikeuttaa uusia tulokkaita, jotka eivät ole seuranneet tarinaa sen alusta saakka. Mutta ei huolta, sillä aikomuksena on saada niin vanhat kuin uudetkin fanit tyytyväiseksi.

Asiasta puhui Gamereactorille Gamescomin humussa Katsuhiro Harada. Tekken 8 julkaistaan 26. tammikuuta 2024 PC:lle, Playstation 5:lle ja Xbox Series X:lle (ja S:lle).

"The arcade quest is kind of designed to appeal to people who are, you know, lapsed Tekken players, I guess we could say, and we want to make it appeal to a large audience, so not only people in their 50s like myself who played Tekken back in the day, but also be a valuable experience for newcomers to the series," said Harada. "And one of the ways we do this is it actually kind of recreates the atmosphere of the arcade, so for, you know, people in their 50s or whatever, like myself, they're like, wow, I was there, it feels just like that, I kind of miss that, and maybe it motivates them to try to, you know, feel that excitement again."

"But for newcomers who didn't get to experience it, because in North America, Europe, you don't really have arcades like they used to be, so although it is kind of an old style experience, it feels new to them because they never experienced it firsthand. We're hoping that we can appeal to a large variety of different players, and that, you know, as they're playing through the mode, it's teaching them the fundamentals and getting them up to speed on how to play the game."

Tekken 8

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