Life is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2:n sisältöä muutettiin pelaajien palautteen perusteella

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Square Enix ja Dontnod isännöivät taannoin hypeä kohottavan tilaisuuden Life is Strange 2:n viimeisestä jaksosta Lontoossa. Gamereactor oli paikalla, ja haastatteluun saatiin johtava käsikirjoittaja Jean-Luc Cano. Hänen mukaansa jaksoissa tapahtunut julkaisu mahdollisti pelaajien palautteen huomioimisen.

Katso koko haastattelu alta täällä Gamereactorissa.

"We already faced it on the first season, so on the second season, as I told you, the biggest change was that they, unfortunately, took more time between episodes, but what I like in episodic structure is that it allows us to make some quick adjustments between episodes, even if the main story is written from the beginning," he said. "With the episodic structure we can make some little adjustments regarding the feedback and the player choices."

"So, for example, in Episode 1 you have the character of Lyla, and for us, at the end of the first episode when Sean calls Lyla and says 'okay, goodbye', and breaks his phone, for us the story was done. But we had a lot of feedback from the players that loved Lyla so much, so we said 'okay, let's bring her back in Episode 2' and give the player the possibility to call her again, even if it will have bad consequences on Sean."

"But yeah, I love the episodic format because you can't shape the experience of the player and please them without changing the main story, but yeah, make the experience of the player more cool to them."

Life is Strange 2

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