Mafia III ei julkaisussaan kerännyt odotetun paljon ylistystä, mutta ajan kuluessa peli päivittyi ja laajeni. Take-Two'n uusimmassa talouskatsauksessa, josta raportoi WCCFTech, on selvinnyt Mafia III:n myyneen seitsemän miljoonaa kappaletta.
Karl Slatoffin mukaan Mafia-sarja on edelleen tärkeä Take-Two'lle, joten Mafia: Trilogyn jälkeen on luvassa lisää Mafiaa.
"In terms of the Mafia opportunity, Mafia has been an incredibly successful franchise for us over a long period of time between Mafia, Mafia II, Mafia III. And just to give you an idea, Mafia III has already sold in about 7 million units or so. Mafia II was also incredibly successful and the first one as well, so it's been a significant contributor for us. We're really excited about the trilogy. It is the same three games, but there's obviously lots of improvements in the games. The Mafia 1 going to be basically completely remade. It's not fully really made, but there's going to be new tech, there's going to be new voice acting, new game-intend, gimmicks and a lot more than that. So there is quite a bit of work that's going into bringing up the trilogy."