Bad Boys -elokuvien parina nähdään Will Smith ja Martin Lawrence. Nyt kuitenkin Lawrence on paljastanut, että hän olisi alun perin halunnut parikseen Eddie Murphyn. Asiasta kertoi Cinema Blend. Sittemmin Lawrence pääsi yhteyteen Will Smithin kanssa, ja mieli muuttui.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die saadaan kesäkuun alussa katsottavaksi.
"I had a deal with Sony, and this was a movie they brought to me to see if I wanted to do, and I just had to find a partner to do it with. And I was thinking about doing it with Eddie Murphy and all that, but he costs too much."
"But I picked the right person, because my sister was the one who told me, 'You should do it with Will.' Two sitcom stars, y'all coming together to meet on the big screen, that could be something special. So me and Will had a dinner, and after five minutes of talking to Will, he's the best salesman ever. So I couldn't say no, and it's been Bad Boys ever since."