Monster Hunter Wilds oli esillä kesäkuun tapahtumissa tavalla ja toisella. Pelaamaan päästään vuonna 2025. Erona aiempiin Monster Hunter Worldiin ja Monster Hunter Riseen on se, että nyt tarjolla on vain yksi iso suuri avoin maailma.
Gamereactor haastatteli luovaa ohjaajaa Kaname Fujiokaa ja sarjan tuottajaa Ryozo Tsujimotoa. Tavoitteena on luoda elävän oloinen ekosysteemi, ja tällä kertaa elikot liikkuvat laumassa. Niin ja avoimessa maailmassa liikutaan ratsulla nimeltä Seikret.
Katso haastattelu alta täällä Gamereactorissa.
"With Monster Hunter World, we were already trying to achieve a living breathing ecosystem feel for the game's fields. We wanted to evolve that and push it even further with Monster Hunter Wilds, so as you've seen in our presentation, there are many more monsters on screen at the same time. They travel in packs or herds and that can have a great effect on the player strategy how they decide to approach situations."
"You can mount this bird-like creature and of course you can control it and just travel around the map to get around faster but it also has an auto function where if you've got a quest target, it can lead you there directly automatically. It's gonna support you in lots of ways in the gameplay but I think this idea of you don't need to worry about where to go next is gonna take a lot of the stress out of that situation and let players focus on what they do best, which is hunting the monsters."