Wednesday (Netflix)

Netflix harkitsee toista kautta Tim Burtonin Wednesdaylle

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Isolta osalta Tim Burtonin ohjaama The Addams Familyn sivuaskelsarja Wednesday on ollut iso menestys Netflixissä, ja Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä. Nyt sitten toista kautta harkitaan. En kyllä oikein ymmärrä, mitä harkittavaa tässä oikeastaan on ottaen huomioon, että ensimmäinen kausi pohjusti jo varsin kattavasti sen seuraavan kauden.

Netflixin toimitusjohtaja Peter Friedlander paljasti, ettei Wednesdayn menestykseen ollut valmistauduttu.

"I have nothing to confirm at this time. I am optimistic about Wednesday. We'll leave it at that. Weirdly, because it feels different, but we're just two weeks into the launch of Wednesday. So we're still really at the beginning of this cultural phenomenon. And there's a lot to absorb and learn about it. It's striking how quick something like this can explode on Netflix, and there is a lot you want to hear back from fans and audiences. It's not just (the dance scene), it's people dressing up and buying makeup and wanting to look like Wednesday Addams."

"The resurgence, for me, it's something that's been in the culture for a long time — but never this pronounced. It's something that we want to study and understand why this is such a phenomenon. And I think so much of it is Jenna Ortega's extraordinary performance at the center. But that supporting cast, across the board, are legends: Gwendoline Christie, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Luis Guzmán, and Christina Ricci! The marketing approach to Wednesday was sizzling. Whether it was the billboards that say, 'Honk if you're dead inside,' or you're at the airport and you saw those TSA messages inside the bucket, it was everywhere and they really contributed to making it such a hit."

Wednesday (Netflix)

Kiitokset, Variety

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