The Thing: Remastered

Nightdive Studiosin The Thing: Remastered lupaa olla sellainen, jollainen se alkuperäinen peli olisi halunnut olla

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* Pakollinen tieto

Nightdive Studios on remasteroinnin asiantuntija, ja heidän seuraava projektinsa on The Thing: Remastered, eli siis Computer Artworksin vuoden 2002 pelin restaurointi. Kyseessä ei ole suora uusioversio malliin System Shock Remake, mutta siitä huolimatta parannukset ovat merkittäviä.

Games Radarin haastattelussa Nightdive Studiosin Larry Kuperman kuvaili, että remasterointi on sellainen, jollainen se alkuperäinen olisi halunnut olla.

Julkaisualustoina sitten joskus ovat PS5, Xbox Series X (ja S), PS4, Xbox One, Switch ja PC.

"[Computer Artworks was] really, really pretty happy, and justifiably so, with the game that they produced, but they were also aware of limitations, of things that they could not do simply because the technology, the game engine, did not support it. And, without going into too much detail, without providing any spoilers, there are some things that, we were able to fulfill the original vision of the developers. That's something that's really important to us."

The Thing: Remastered

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