Joulukuun The Game Awards -gaalassa Inflexion Games julkisti pelin Nightingale. Kyseessä on niin sanotun jaetun maailman selviytymis- ja nikkarointipeli, joka sijoittuu fantastiseen viktoriaanisen ajan kaasulamppujen aikaan. Nightingale julkaistaan PC:lle jossain vaiheessa vuotta 2022. Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan Inflexion Gamesin toimitusjohtaja Aaryn Flynnia. Nyt tarkoituksena on luoda yhdessä tekemisen tuntua selviytymiseen.
"The idea with our shared world is that many survival crafting games, end up often having isolated servers and isolated experiences from the rest of the community. We're investing a lot in our infrastructure and our abilities to offer players a completely united community. We want players to always feel united and connected to each other. You can play solo, you don't have to play with others, that's your choice, but if you do want to play with others, if you do want to play with your friends, if you do want to have that shared experience then you get a chance to connect with them and have them join your realm and participate in that, and you can go to visit other realms."
Katso koko haastattelu alta täällä Gamereactorissa.