Vikings on Trampolines on aiemmin Owlboy-pelistään tunnetun D-Pad Studion seuraava projekti. Uuden pelin prototyyppi tehtiin peräti 20 vuotta sitten, jossa viikingit loikkivat ja päihittivät pomovastuksia. Omaa pelihahmoa ohjattiin vain yhdellä analogitatilla.
Nyt D-Pad Studio on saamassa peliä valmiiksi, ja toki yhtä jos toista on laajennettu ja monipuolistettu. Ydinajatus on silti edelleen sama. Näin kertoi toimitusjohtaja Simon Stafsnes Andersen Gamescomin humussa.
"We've had people as young as six years old playing this, we've had very old people being able to pick this game up quite easily. And the great thing is you can play it with only one stick, you can hold a drink in the other. We've had people who were slightly inebriated that have also been able to beat us."
Lyhyen kokeilun perusteella pelin ideasta pääsee kiinni muutamassa hetkessä. Se ei silti tarkoita sitä, etteikö haastetta olisi.
"Because of Covid at lot of people couldn't meet in the same room, so we wanted to make sure that you could also play this game by yourself, or you could play it cooperatively with four people," Simon Stafsnes Andersen explains. "In the adventure mode you play a set amount of worlds, and we have sort of like minigame kind of worlds for that, where you get a ranking when you complete them, but we also have boss fights. After you complete your basic levels, you get a boss fight. And because the controls are deceptively simple, we make the bosses deceptively difficult, so it gets a lot harder as you go on."