Prison Architect

Prison Architectin vuoden viimeinen päivitys toi peliin naisvankilat

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Prison Architectin viimeinen päivitys kuluneelle vuodelle on julkaistu ja sen myötä innokkaat arkkitehdit ja väsäilijät voivat rakennella vankiloita myös naisille. Tämä ei ole pelkkä kosmeettinen muutos, sillä osa naisvangeista saattaa olla raskaana tai heillä voi olla huollettavanaan nuoria lapsia. Niinpä heille täytyy rakentaa aivan omat hoitohuoneet.

Uudistus kytkeytyy mainiosti Orange is New Black -sarjaan ja todennäköisesti osa pelaajista lähtee rakentamaan omaa versiotaan Litchfieldin rangaistuslaitoksesta. Täysin identtistä kopiota sarjan vankilasta ei voi luoda, sillä pelissä ei voida rakentaa useamman kerroksen rakennuksia.

Voit nähdä täyden listauksen päivityksen uudistuksista alta tai sitten pelin kotisivuilta.

Women's Prisons
You can now choose the gender of your prisoners in the "New Prison" screen. Female prisoners have different needs and behave differently than male prisoners.

- Some female prisoners are mothers of young babies (less than two years old) and are entitled to look after their baby during their stay in your prison. This requires some new facilities - often called "MBUs (Mother and Baby Units)"

Family Cell
- A new type of cell for mothers with babies only. Similar to a normal cell, but also requires a Cot and an integrated Shower. Nb these cells will never be assigned to female prisoners without babies.

- A shared room for all mothers to live in, typically isolated from the rest of the prison. Mothers will spend much of their time in this room with their babies. Requires cots and play mats for the babies.
- Mothers will eat their meals in this room, so it also requires a serving table, benches etc. Your kitchens will be assigned to cook meals for the nurseries as if they were canteens.

Modding API (continued)
- Added world and world cell data variables to the scripting API. This includes getting the size of the world, time index, etc. Setting these variables, however, is currently unsupported.
- A new interface scripting API has been included as well. Mods can now add, remove, and change buttons in the BiographyWindow (shown when you select a non-prisoner object in the world), with callbacks to it's script.
- Modding in escape mode has also been improved by allowing player interaction on scripted objects. A callback to the script is given when the player is close to an object and interacts with it.

- General performance enhancements, especially to laundry system.

- New Translations: Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Thai

Bug Fixes
- Needs.txt not loaded in correct order when using mods
- 0010162: [Gameplay] Surrendering in escape mode causes insane amounts of rep points / surrendering doesn't work
- 0010309: [Control & User Interface] [Prison Architect] Crash when opening confidential informant window

Prison Architect

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