Russell Crowe on uransa aikana näytellyt monenlaisia rooleja aina gladiaattorista pappiin saakka. Taru sormusten herran Aragornin roolia hänelle tarjottiin, mutta ei sitten kuitenkaan ottanut työtä vastaan.
Syyksi Crowe kertoi havainneensa ohjaaja Peter Jacksonin äänessä epävarmuutta, kun tarjous esitettiin. Crowe aavisti, että asialle Jacksonin oli laittanut studio, mutta että Jacksonilla oli jo joku muu mielessään. Rooli meni lopulta Viggo Mortensenille.
"I was a big Tolkien reader when I was a kid, so I got quite excited about the idea of Lord of the Rings. But I very much felt the studio were making that decision, not the film director. And I talked to Peter Jackson over the phone, and he wasn't saying the sort of things that directors were saying to you if they were really trying to attract you to a project. And I just kind of got a sense that he already had somebody else in mind that he wanted to do. And me stepping forward and saying yes was actually going to get in his way. We come from the same place, so there's a nuance in that conversation that other people might not hear -we're both New Zealanders - in his own way without him saying anything negative, that he had another plan. So I just left it at that."