Spitfire Interactiven Capes on nyt julkaistu, ja Gamereactorin arvion pääsee lukemaan täällä. Pelaajille esitellään koko omanlaisensa supersankaroiva maailma. Strateginen peli on edelleen tuore, mutta lisääkin tarinoita on vielä kosolti kerrottavana.
Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan johtavaa käsikirjoittajaa Morgan Jaffitia. Katso siis alta koko haastattelu silkkana sellaisenaan.
"Yeah, we'd love to do tons with it. I'm full of additional things that I think additional strings that we can pull on that whole chapters will come out of.
"And, you know, it's one of those things too, where it's fun to imagine a world where superpowers are, I won't say common, but are not unusual. You know, we know there's a lot of other supers out there. We know that they're kind of doing their own thing, and again, that's the sort of thing that makes, for example, Astro City a great read by Kurt Busiek. It's a way to look at the world through the lens of superheroes. And that's what Capes is. Capes is a way to look at the world through the lens of superheroes and a way to kind of explore some of that game space."