Star Citizen

Star Citizenin pelaajat raivoissaan teknisten ongelmien vuoksi

Isoin päivitys koskaan lisäsi mukaan myös ongelmia.

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme tästä!

* Pakollinen tieto

Star Citizen on ollut kehityksessä ties kuinka kauan, ja on kerännyt lahjoituksinakin tuhottoman määrän rahaa. Taannoin Cloud Imperium Games lanseerasi linjoille "isoimman päivityksensä tähän asti", ja uuden sisällön ohella saatiin paljon ongelmia. Linjoille kirjautuminen ei onnistunut, ja olipa peli hetken alhaallakin. Ja jos linjoille pääsi, oli edessä runsaasti kaikenlaisia teknisiä ongelmia. Onkin ollut tarvetta julkaista lausunto tilanteesta.

"Since the launch of Star Citizen Alpha 3.18.0 our teams have been monitoring a number of issues players have been encountering while attempting to log into the game. These have primarily manifested in the form of 19003 and 19004 with a mix of other similar codes. While monitoring those issues, the team has been able to tune and make adjustments to the entitlement processing flow to ensure that a large portion of player attempts were still successful and able to make it into the Persistent Universe. However, at a point in the early morning UTC, the environment entered into a state which would require a more disruptive recovery process."

Redditissä raivo on suorastaan käsin kosketeltava.

"Why release this buggy disaster on a Friday afternoon? I've been trying for four days to log in. 19k, 60k, 30k errors. Dozens of login attempts. Managed to get in once for 10 minutes and nothing could be interacted with. Terminals didn't work, Ship controls... missions... nothing. And then a 30k crash. This is embarrassingly bad, even by Star Citizen standards. I've been a backer since day one. I'm not going anywhere. But after all this time we don't have our shit together to release a mess like this?"

Saapa nähdä, valmistuuko se Star Citizen koskaan.

Star Citizen

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