Star Citizen

Star Citizenin suunnitelma 1.0-päivitykselle on selvinnyt

Early Access -vaihe on päättymässä 15 vuoden jälkeen.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Oi niitä aikoja.. Cloud Imperium aloitti Star Citizenin kehityksen vuonna 2010. Kyseessä on ehkä se kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmin joukkorahoitusta saanut projekti. Pätäkkää on koottu satoja miljoonia dollareita.

Uuden blogin mukaan, jonka on julkaissut Cloud Imperiumin pomo Chris Roberts, pian on aika sen myyttisen 1.0-julkaisun. Ei ole tiedossa, koska tämä tapahtuu, mutta ilmeisesti kovinkaan kaukana ei enää olla.

"Our teams have been busily planning the upcoming major milestones for the Persistent Universe, culminating in what we refer to as 'Star Citizen 1.0. As that roadmap comes together and becomes validated, we look forward to sharing with you both its vision and executional plan later this year."

"While we recognize that there is no definitive finish line in an online MMO, and that we will always be adding new features and content for many, many years to come, Star Citizen 1.0 is what we consider the features and content set to represent "commercial" release. This means that the game is welcoming to new players, stable, and polished with enough gameplay and content to engage players continuously. In other words, it is no longer Alpha or Early Access."

Star Citizen

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