Pelien kehittämisen kulut ovat alati vain nousseet. Bethesdan The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim julkaistiin vuonna 2011, ja Arkane Lyonin Dishonored 2 vuonna 2016. Nyt on selvinnyt, että peli olisi voinut upottaa koko Arkane Lyonin.
Entinen Arkanen suunnittelija Julien Eveillé puhui PC Gamerille. Dishonored 2 oli vain niin hyvä, että se sai vihreää valoa Bethesdalta.
"I think when Bethesda was looking at the numbers, they thought, OK, Skyrim sold so much. And it cost less than Dishonored 2 to make. So they were asking questions. From an executive spend standpoint, it makes sense to ask those questions of, 'Why should we keep going with you?'" But we knew that we had a kind of seal-of-quality protection, making what would maybe be considered the most refined games of the whole Bethesda catalogue."
Toinen syy Arkane Lyonin menestykselle oli Julien Eveillén mukaan studio-ohjaaja Dinga Bakaban kanta siitä, että koska me olemme Arkane, me teemme jotain erityistä.
"Let's stop trying to make buzzword games, games-as-a-service and all that kind of stuff, we are Arkane, we want to make something special."