The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth +

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth syöksähtää PC:lle lokakuun lopussa

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Edmund McMillenin ylistetty synkkä rogue like -peli The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth saa ensi kuussa odotetun lisäosan. Mega-luokan DLC:ksi kehuttu Afterbirth ilmestyy PC:lle tuoreen tuotantoblogin mukaan 30. päivä lokakuuta.

Tsekkaa lista uudistuksista ja sisällöstä alta. Mukaan luvataan pelattavaa yli sadaksi tunniksi, joten kympin hintaisena rahalleen saa toivon mukaan riittävästi vastinetta. Afterbirth on tulossa pian tänä vuonna myös muille alustoille, mutta näiden julkaisupäiviä ei ole McMillenin mukaan lyöty vielä lukkoon.


Afterbirth's new Features:
- Greed Mode: a whole new game mode with a heavy focus on risk/reward that is a completely new way to play that features new endings and a final boss.
- Expanded main game: a new final area has been added to the main game along with another new final boss and ending.
- Daily Runs: compete for high-score / best time on the leader boards in these daily seeded runs.
- 10 totally new and awesome challenges
- 1000+ new rooms, as well as new tiny rooms, closets and giant arching hallways.
- Totally new playable character, Lilith, mother of demons.
- 120 new items! not counting tons of new pickups, chests, pills, bombs, cards etc. taking the item count up beyond 525!
- 4 new alternate chapters with new chapter specific enemy types visual themes and surprises.
- New seed code combo page, as well as a butt ton of new seed codes that mod the game.
- Expanded soundtrack!
- New room types like, trap rooms, double treasure rooms and ultra rare closets!
- Greatly expanded and updated HUD system
- Tons of new secret transformations
- 8 new bosses
- 25+ new enemies
- Updated weapon combo system
- Far too many new achievements
- 20 million new co-op babies

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth +

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