The Golf Club 2019

The Golf Club 2019 saa kaksi lisäosaa ja fyysisen julkaisun

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The Golf Club 2019 julkaistiin elokuun lopulla kaikessa hiljaisuudessa digitaalisena PC:lle, Xbox Onelle ja PS4:lle. Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä.

2K Sports ja HB Studios ovat ilmoittaneet tulossa olevasta fyysisestä julkaisusta Pohjois-Amerikassa 13. marraskuuta, ja muualla maailmassa sitten 16. marraskuuta. Fyysinen painos tulee saataville PS4:lle ja Xbox Onelle.

Lisäosiakin on tulossa, joista ensimmäinen saadaan linjoille 4. lokakuuta, ja toinen sitten vielä myöhemmin tänä vuonna.

Katso kuvat tulevista DLC-latauksista alta, ja niiden alta englanniksi kuvaus siitä, millaista lisämenoa on luvassa.

The Golf Club 2019
The Golf Club 2019The Golf Club 2019
The Golf Club 2019The Golf Club 2019
The Golf Club 2019The Golf Club 2019The Golf Club 2019
The Golf Club 2019The Golf Club 2019The Golf Club 2019

DLC Update #1 - Releasing Thursday, October 4

  • New PGA TOUR Course: The first update will include an all-new licensed PGA TOUR course for free, Atlantic Beach Country Club, which is home to the TOUR Championship where some of the world's best golfers compete for their PGA TOUR card and a shot at becoming professionals. The new course will be integrated into the PGA TOUR Career Mode schedule, as well as all other modes and matchmaking options.

  • New Character Customisation Options: The first update also introduces new character customisation options, including new PGA TOUR branded hats.

  • Game Improvements: In addition to the new content, the October 4 update also brings a myriad of additional bug fixes, optimisations, and quality of life improvements, which can be found in the full patch notes.

DLC Update #2 - Releasing later this year

  • Additional Character Customization Options: The second update will introduce more character customization options, including licensed Under Armour shirts, shoes, and glasses, additional PGA TOUR branded hats, and more color and pattern options for existing clothing.

  • Game Improvements: Additional bug fixes, optimisations, and quality of life improvements are planned as the team continues to support the game's player community.

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