
Haulikkoja heikennettiin Fortnite: Battle Royalessa

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* Pakollinen tieto

Epic Games on paljastanut, että Fortnite: Battle Royalen haulikot ovat saaneet tuntuvan heikennyksen eli niin sanotun nerffauksen.

Samaan syssyyn ansoja muutettiin. Ihan hiljan ansojen tuhotehoa laskettiin lukemista 125 tasoon 75, mutta nyt tehoa on nostettu lukemaan 150.

Rakettireppu puolestaan poistuu pelistä 11. kesäkuuta.


"One of our goals for Fortnite is to have a number of ways to play the game and be successful. We've identified some strategies that are overly dominant and we'll be making some adjustments today. Going forward we'll continue to monitor how we can best support that gameplay variety," Epic writes.

"For awhile we felt that Shotguns promoted healthy close quarter gameplay, however with the recent equip time changes, Shotguns are being used more often than we like. It's something we've been keeping an eye on, but broadly speaking we feel Shotguns are a little too strong in their current state."

That's an understatement, and for now the changes made are reducing the headshot multiplier from 2.5 to 2.0 on both the pump and the tactical, as well as damage being reduced on the pump from 90/95 to 80/85. Epic adds that their goal is to try and improve shotgun consistency (hence the meme that you can hit someone directly and still register 9 damage), which includes making it more apparent when you hit or miss, as well as "making sure the accuracy is more consistent and improving other odd behaviors with the weapon is a top priority. We've identified a number of issues that we're currently working on solving in the near future."

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