The Walking Dead

Telltale Games vaihtaa viimeinkin pelimoottoria

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* Pakollinen tieto

Telltale Games on tehtaillut huiman määrän samalla kaavalla ja samanlaisella grafiikalla tehtyjä tarinavetoisia pelejä, mutta nyt on aika päivittää tekniikkaa.

The Wolf Among Us: Season 2 tulee rullaamaan Unity-moottorilla. Varietyn mukaan Unityyn siirtyminen toimii firmalle samalla uutena alkuna.

"Sources tell Variety that while the move away from Telltale Tool is long overdue, a new engine means growing pains. Developers are re-learning how to manage workflow as they adapt to the new engine. This is causing a longer process than Telltale is used to working. It might be late in arriving, but the Netflix deals (both for streaming existing games and accessing Netflix IP) have the potential to be a major piece of Telltale's course correction. One can only imagine how Telltale's fortunes might have shifted if leadership had embraced the synergy between its games and streaming platforms two years ago, when it was first pitched. Thankfully, Hawley is moving to correct that error."

The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking DeadThe Walking Dead

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The Walking Dead

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Matti Isotalo

Kuolleet kävelevät ja maailma vikisee vieressä Matin tutkiessa Telltale Gamesin viisiosaisen seikkailupelin maailmaa.

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