Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5 tulossa, koska fanit haluavat niin

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* Pakollinen tieto

Capcom julkisti Devil May Cry 5 -pelin kesäkuun E3-messuilla. Julkaisun on määrä tapahtua jossain vaiheessa ensi vuonna. Fanit tuntuivat ottavan tiedon hyvin vastaan, ja peli onkin suunniteltu juuri heitä silmällä pitäen.

Games Industryn haastattelussa Capcomin markkinointivastaava Antoine Molant kertoi, että Devil May Cry 5 on tulossa nimenomaan siksi, että fanit sitä haluavat.

"It's fair to say that we are very focused on the audience and the feedback that we get. We have seen some horrible stories in the media recently about publishers bending to the will of the internet. We wouldn't advocate going that far. But certainly, there is an element of fan service that runs throughout the company."

"DmC is an example of that. Fans weren't happy, so, therefore, we went a different way. It's part of giving back within the remit that we're still a business, we still need it to sell. We want to give things to the fans, we want to support them, but it has to make sense. So we do it within reason. We don't listen to the far extremes of the fanbase, shall we say."

Devil May Cry 5

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