Super Monkey Ball

Super Monkey Ball syntyi tarpeesta tehdä peli nopeasti ja halvalla

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Reset Eran käyttäjä Eolz on jakanut kaikelle kansalle Edgen tekemän haastattelun videopeliveteraani Toshihiro Nagoshista. Aiheena oli muun muassa se, että Super Monkey Ball syntyi alunperin tarpeesta pitää kulut ja ajankäyttö mahdollisimman alhaisina.


Super Monkey Ball oli siis alunperin lähinnä todiste omalle esimiehelle siitä, että pelin voi tehdä myös varsin nopeasti ja halvalla.

"Around that time our CEO kept changing, and the newest one asked me why making games cost so much money. I told him we couldn't do it any cheaper, but at the same time I was quite upset about it. I decided to make a game with minimum resource, minimum time and minimum budget."

"Looking back, that's no way to work (laughs). But there are some huge fans of this game. When we gave up on making hardware, we knew the Gamecube was coming, and when it would be launched. We didn't think we had enough time to get a game ready for release day, but (...) Super Monkey Ball came to mind. I think we had ten people on the game, maybe less. We made it just in time somehow."

Super Monkey Ball

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