Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylinesissa Switchillä ei modeja, ainakaan vielä

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Elokuussa Gamescomissa Gamereactor pääsi katsomaan suljetuin ovin esittelyä Nintendo Switchin versiosta Cities: Skylinesille. Katso alta Paradox Interactiven Sandra Neudingerin haastattelu aiheesta, jossa käydään läpi muun muassa HD Rumblea, käsikonsolimuodossa pelaamista ja modeja.

Cities: Skylines on nyt saatavilla Nintendo Switchille.

Cities: Skylines

"When you place city services the device rumbles so you can see where it's most efficient to place it," says Neudinger of the HD rumble effect found in the game. "We also have Pro Controller support for those that are more hardcore console players."

"It's probably two things. It's content. So for example for us a huge unique selling point for the PC version was the modding feature and that is something that we don't have, yet at least, because that's something we need to do in collaboration with Nintendo and we need to see how it works first of all and if people like to play it on a portable. But that's definitely something, but that also ties us to expansions, and DLC, and the more content the player has in their city, the harder it's going to be to make the simulations run smoothly. So that's something we're going to have to look into. I don't think we're going to be able to support it with everything as we have in the other [versions]. We're shipping it with both After Dark and Snowfall from the beginning, because we think that they package together quite nicely and really satisfied and happy with what Tantalus have made for the game so far."

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