The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Netflixin The Witcherin käsikirjoittaja avautui fanien kommenteista

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Netflixin The Witcher -sarjan käsikirjoittaja Lauren S. Hissrich piti taannoin taukoa sosiaalisesta mediasta saatuaan niskaansa melkoisen määrän lokaa vihaisilta faneilta. Verkkoon näet oli levinnyt huhuja, joiden mukaan Cirin roolin palkattaisiin joku ei-valkoihoinen näyttelijä.

Nyt Hissrich on avautunut Twitterissä fiiliksistään, ja millaisia tuntemuksia fanien kommentit aiheuttivat.

Sarjan tuotannon on määrä alkaa ensi vuoden alussa.

"I'd be lying to say it doesn't impact me at times — I'm an actual human being! I've spent a year pouring my whole heart into this project, so when comments get personal and vicious, it can feel overwhelming. But — it's not all hate. That's important to know. The majority of comments are positive. Those that aren't are civil, offering opinions, asking for dialogue, trying to understand decisions. (And they will! Nothing is arbitrary on this show.) Here's the truth: real fans don't make threats over a piece of news.

At the end of the day, I'm making a tv show, with an incredible group of people, who are also dedicating their time and pouring their hearts into this world. We're thrilled. And we believe our audience will be too, when they watch it and understand that everything has a purpose. Hang in there. Have faith. Don't let it break your heart. Just remember — nothing can take the excitement for this show away from me, or you. And with that — I'm off for a bit! Time to go make this thing!!"

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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