Fallout 76

Bethesdan mukaan Fallout 76:ssa ei ole loot-laatikoita

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* Pakollinen tieto

Loot-laatikot ovat saaneet kuluvana vuonna pahasti lunta tupaan, ja nykyään useiden pelien myyntivalttina on ilmoittaa, ettei niitä ole mukana. Näin tekee myös Bethesdan Fallout 76.

Haastattelussaan Gamespotille Bethesdan Pete Hines varmisti, ettei Fallout 76 -pelissä ole loot-laatikoita tai niin sanottuja pay-to-win-mekaniikkoja. Atom-valuuttaa ansaitaan niin pelaamalla kuin oikeallakin rahalla, ja sen avulla voi ostaa kosmeettista kivaa itselleen.

Lisäksi kaikki tulevaisuuden ladattavat lisäosat tulevat olemaan ilmaisia.

"If you don't want to spend money in the Atomic shop for cosmetic stuff you don't have to. We give you a sh*tload of Atoms just for playing the game. Folks that want to spend money on whatever the hell it is because they don't have enough Atoms, they can, but it's not, 'I'm now better playing against other players because I spent money.' It's not pay-to-win. And it's not loot crates."

"All the content we ever put out for Fallout 76--all the DLC, all the post-launch stuff--is going to be free. That's important. And to say, the Atomic shop is cosmetic stuff. To make sure folks understand--look there's a line. There are people who have crossed it, but we're going to stay on the right side of it in terms of the things you can spend money on and how this stuff works and what you're getting for your $60. That you know, when they put out new content or features or whatever, I'm getting that stuff for free. That feels right."

Fallout 76

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