Star Wars: Visceral Games Project

EA:n into games as service -malliin johti Amy Hennigin Star Warsin kuoppaamiseen

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Project Ragtag oli koodinimi Visceral Gamesin tarinavetoiselle Star Wars -pelille, jota kehitti Unchartedista muistettava Amy Hennig. Sittemmin niin peli kuin koko Visceral Studioskin kuopattiin.

Venturebeatin mukaan lupaavan projektin kuoppaaminen johtui siitä, että EA halusi panostaa games a service -liiketoimintamalliin, johon tarinavetoinen Star Wars -peli ei sopinut.

"I think that where EA is at right now, they're looking more at games as a service, the live service model. More open world stuff, trying to crack that nut, versus this more finite crafted experience.

We were trying to make sure that we built in other modes and extensibility and all that stuff. But the fundamental spine of the thing was more like Uncharted than one of these open world, live service games. That's a big gap to cross."

Tällä hetkellä EA:n painopiste on vahvasti games a service -liiketoimintamallissa, josta viimeisin näyttö on Biowaren Anthem.

Star Wars: Visceral Games Project

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