Dragon's Dogma

Devil May Cry'n ohjaaja haluaisi tehdä Dragon's Dogma 2:n

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* Pakollinen tieto

Hiljan Devil May Cry 5:n ohjaaja Hideaki Itsuno ja toisaalta Dragon's Dogma -pelin ohjaaja istuivat alas puhumaan DMC5-pelin kehityksestä. Samalla selvisi ehkä hieman yllättäen se, että Itsunolla oli mahdollisuus joko tehdä jatkoa Devil May Cry'lle tai Dragon's Dogmalle. Itsunon valinta on nyt tietenkin tiedossa, mutta tuleeko Dragon's Dogmalle joskus jatkoa?

Eurogamerin mukaan Hideaki Itsuno on edelleen innokas tekemään jatkoa Dragon Dogmalle.

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"That was a brand new series - a lot of other stuff I'd done was already established. It was one of the first real new things. And back then it still wasn't quite so common for Capcom to do a simultaneous worldwide release, plus we were doing all this new stuff with the pawn system."

"I've mentioned this before, but when we started Devil May Cry 5, I'd gone to the people up top and said let me make either Devil May Cry 5 or Dragon's Dogma 2. I thought Devil May Cry 5 would be the better choice right now, so did that. If I could, I'd love to make Dragon's Dogma 2 - it'd be awesome."

Dragon's Dogma

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