
Remedy haluaisi tehdä jatko-osia Controlille

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* Pakollinen tieto

Kotimaisen Remedyn seuraava peli Control julkaistaan PC:lle, PS4:lle ja Xbox Onelle 27. elokuuta. Jo nyt on selvinnyt se, että Remedyllä riittää haluja myös jatko-osan tekemiseen. Itse asiassa Controlin maailma on rakennettu sellaiseksi, että se mahdollistaa useiden erilaisten tarinoiden kertomisen.

Antamassaan haastattelussa EDGE Magazinelle, jonka pääsee katsomaan täällä, Thomas Puha kertoo enemmänkin tarinoita olevan kerrottavana.

"But let's be real: Control is a relatively traditional singleplayer game. It does have a limited lifespan, in that sense. And nobody here is, like, overestimating what can we do post-launch to a singleplayer game. But the fiction of the game and the way the world is built is very suitable for us to add things to it. Control is a world that we do want to expand on, and of course you want to make sequels. And what we have wanted to do in the last couple of years, one of the reasons we signed with 505 Games - well, they let us keep the IP, but we also have the freedom to experiment a little bit post-launch."


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