
Miltä kuulostaisi Square Enixin oma "Xbox Game Pass"?

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Netflixin mallin mukaisesti videopelien erilaiset kuukausimaksulliset palvelut ovat hiljalleen tekemässä tuloaan. Näistä tunnetuin ja menestynein lienee Microsoftin Xbox Game Pass.

Games Industryn haastattelema Square Enixin presidentti Yosuka Matsuda kertoi olevansa kiinnostunut kokeilemaan kuukausimaksullista palvelua Square Enixin peleille.

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"We do already provide games for Microsoft's Game Pass, but at the end of the day, the direction that we're thinking about is having a channel of our own. (It) would require significant preparations and investment. We'd also have to consider whether or not it will work well solely including our own catalogue titles...But eventually I do think that we need to get to the point where we have enough insight that we can build our own service".

Miltä kuulostaisi Square Enixin oma "Xbox Game Pass"?

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