Fall Guys

Mediatonic aikoo hullutella Fall Guysissa

Jututimme Luke Borrettia E3-messuilla battle royale -genreen uniikkeja ideoita tuovasta teoksesta.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Mediatonic keskittyy värikkään Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockoutin kehittämiseen. Nappasimme Luke Borrettin haastatteluun kertomaan pelin konsepteista sekä tulevaisuudesta.

"The very simple answer is this is our unique take on battle royale. This isn't about 100 players landing on an island, this isn't a deathmatch, last man standing, it's a very elaborate game show - 100 potato-shaped Fall Guys throwing themselves into obstacle course after obstacle course, gradually getting eliminated until only one can claim the crown."

Samalla Borrett kertoi E3-esittelystään ja siitä, mihin suuntaan tekijät haluavat teostaan viedä. Ainakin kierrosten koolla on väliä.

"Each round only takes two or three minutes, and for those three that's like beginning to end elimination, but we're still working on loads more modes. We want around like 30 for the full game, and an 'episode' of Fall Guys, so 100 to 1 - it's gonna be like four or five rounds. So we hope for a lot of variety and we've got some crazy ideas we're working on. Sumo Chicken in the trailer should be enough of an idea of where things get weird, but everyone's gonna be interested to watch this space."

Fall Guys

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